Kas Nova Private Single/Pet/Couple draft 私人約稿
Contact ins:kas_nova01
1.肖像畫:$15.99(518台幣) 無論是想展示你的個性,還是給朋友送上一份獨特的禮物,一張精美的肖像畫都是絕佳選擇。僅需 $15.99,就能擁有一幅以你為主角的藝術作品!
2.全身肖像畫:$19.99 (646台幣)展現你的全身姿態,無論是運動、休閒還是其它造型,全身肖像畫都能完美捕捉你的獨特風采。現在僅需 $19.99,就能擁有這樣一幅完整的藝術作品!
3.寵物肖像畫:$21.99 (711台幣)你的寵物也值得擁有一幅專屬肖像畫!無論是狗狗還是貓咪,我們都能為牠們創作出萌態十足的肖像畫。只需 19.99,就能為你的寵物留下永恆的藝術記憶。
聯絡我們 如需下單或有任何疑問,請隨時聯絡我們。我們期待為你創作出獨一無二的藝術作品!
✨ 讓每一個瞬間成為永恆的藝術作品!
Contact me on Instagram: kas_nova01 @KAS NOVA
If you have any questions, please contact me on Instagram.
Pricing for commissioned artwork:
1. Portrait Painting: $15.99 Whether you want to showcase your personality or give a unique gift to a friend, a beautiful portrait painting is an excellent choice. For just $15.99, you can own an artwork featuring you as the main character!
2. Three-Quarter Length Portrait: $19.99 (646台幣)Show off your full posture, whether it's for sports, leisure, or other styles, a full-length portrait can perfectly capture your unique charm. Now for just $19.99, you can own such a complete piece of art!
3. Pet Portrait: $19.99 Your pet also deserves to have a portrait of its own! Whether it's a dog or a cat, we can create a cute and charming portrait for them. For just $21.99, you can leave a lasting artistic memory for your pet.
4. For two people or more, or other special circumstances, please negotiate separately.
Contact us If you want to place an order or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to creating a unique piece of art for you!
✨ Let every moment become an eternal work of art!